(set:$name to (prompt:"Enter your name: ", "default name"))
Welcome $name,
You walk along the edge of a great forest, undisturbed by indutrialization and untouched by human hands. The sun is bright and shining and a cool breeze blows through the green trees. The forest rests near your home, located in the far country of the state of Alaska. Today you have decided to walk further than you've ever done before, exploring new parts of the forest you've never been to. You notice ahead of you, sitting just on the edge of the forest, you see a tall [[arched stone gateway->Start 2]].You walk closer to the arch, the hum growing louder and the air becoming more distorted until you stand in the [center]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
A moment passes before a brilliant flash of light blinds you and a shock of energy flow through your body. You stumble for a moment before catching yourself, shaking your head to clear the dizziness before looking up to a new [[sight->mid]]]You decide against approaching this strange object and turn around to return back to your home. Walking away and feeling the air return to normal as you grow more distant from the mysterious [arch]<cl1|.
(click-append: ?cl1)[
Time passes, and you finally find yourself back to your home, a fire already started and smoke rising from the chimney as your family comes out to greet you and welcome you back from your [walk]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
Days pass, and your curiousity of the arch continues to grow, till it becomes too encompassing and you decide to return to see it [again]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You return to the spot you had found it before, but the arch is gone, there is no hue to the air, no hum in the woods. All that remains is the old wagon [wheel]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
You return home and continue to live your life, but every once in a while your thoughts turn once again to the mysterious arch. And you can't help but to wonder what may have happened if you hadn't walked [[away->The End]]]The End(if: $Elhokin is 0)[
You take the road to the lake, coming closer and seeing the extent of its size. Nearly a mile across the water is a pure brilliant blue hue and its shores are white sand. On the beach of the lake there is an old row boat with its paddles sitting on the ground beside it. 20 feet away are the bleached bones of a humanoid creature. [Examine]<cl1|
(click-replace: ?cl1)[
The creatures legs are digitrade like that of a dogs, its body taller and wider than a normal man, with razor claws protruding from its finger tips. Its face elongated like a snout with a mouth full of long sharp teeth. The broken blade of a sword rests within the chest of this creature, evidently the cause of its [death.]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
A flickering light catches your attention and you look up towards the [lake]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You gaze up from the body, towards the center of the lake and notice that the center is brightly lit. Some kind of brilliant white light is eminating from beneath the surface. Diffusing through the water and creating a ring of shining light.
[[What could that be? take the rowboat to the light->Lake light]]
[[Turn around and go back towards the castle, something isn't right->Go to Castle 1]]]]
(if: $Elhokin is 1 or 2 and $horn is 1)[The two of you take the road to the lake, seeing its size as is spans nearly a mile across. The water a brilliant pure blue hue with shores of white sandOn the beach of the lake there is an old row boat with its paddles sitting on the ground beside it. 20 feet away are the bleached bones of a humanoid creature. [Examine]<cl1|
(click-replace: ?cl1)[
The creatures legs are digitrade like that of a dogs, its body taller and wider than a normal man, with razor claws protruding from its finger tips. Its face elongated like a snout with a mouth full of long sharp teeth. The broken blade of a sword rests within the chest of this creature, evidently the cause of its death. Elhokin peers from around your shoulder, "it's another one of those monsters. I think my father must have killed this [one"]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
A flickering light catches your attention and you look up towards the [lake]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You gaze up from the body, towards the center of the lake and notice that the center is brightly lit. Some kind of brilliant white light is eminating from beneath the surface. Diffusing through the water and creating a ring of shining light
"That must be where my parents are," Elhokin says.
[["Come on, lets go see them"->Lake light]]]]
(if: $Elhokin is 1 or 2 and $horn is 0 or 2)[The two of you take the road to the lake, seeing its size as is spans nearly a mile across. The water a brilliant pure blue hue with shores of white sandOn the beach of the lake there is an old row boat with its paddles sitting on the ground beside it. 20 feet away are the bleached bones of a humanoid creature. [Examine]<cl1|
(click-replace: ?cl1)[
The creatures legs are digitrade like that of a dogs, its body taller and wider than a normal man, with razor claws protruding from its finger tips. Its face elongated like a snout with a mouth full of long sharp teeth. The broken blade of a sword rests within the chest of this creature, evidently the cause of its death. Elhokin peers from around your shoulder, "That's one of the monsters that came to the castle. They were really mean. I think my father killed this [one"]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
A flickering light catches your attention and you look up towards the [lake]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You gaze up from the body, towards the center of the lake and notice that the center is brightly lit. Some kind of brilliant white light is eminating from beneath the surface. Diffusing through the water and creating a ring of shining light
"That must be where my parents are," Elhokin says.
[["Come on, lets go see them"->Lake light]]]]You take the road to the castle, drawing nearer and discovering the shattered wooden remains of a gate broken inwards. The walls are abandoned and various items are left strewn about, though there are no bodies or any other sign of life within the walls of the castle.
The entrance to the keep stands open and unattended before you.
(click-replace: ?cl1)[You enter through the open door, coming upon a long entryway. A layer of dust remains undistrubed on the floor, its clear no one has been here for some time. The corners and the ceiling of the hallway are covered with a thick layer of cobwebs. Your steps echo throughout the chamber as you walk along the stone floor, kicking up a cloud of dust with each step. The strong scent of recently burning oil hangs heavy in the air, despite every light remaining unlit and [[broken->Throne room]].
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/48f908_74fc9fb0aa204c8d9992bb72351a3b50.mp3" autoplay>]At the other end of the hallway, the chamber opens into a large, circular room, a raised platform sitting towards its back. Upon the raised dias there is the decaying form of a once beautiful [throne]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
The back of throne is smashed to pieces, scattering the ground around the throne. On the arm rests there are torn pieces of metal, something that once adorned the chair but was now torn off and missing. On its seat is the broken hilt of a ornate [sword]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
The hilt is made of a shining steel, gold guilding spiraling along along the pomel and guard. A very worn leather strip on the handle, its clearly been well used. There is a shard of blade still attached, jaggedly broken six inches above the guard. It alone is the only object not covered in a layer of dust. It seems to have been placed with great care.
[[Leave it at its resting spot->Leave it]]
[[Take it->Take it]]](set: $sword to 2)
You decide to take the blade with you, tucking it into the back of your pants.
You look above the throne, hanging off the wall, there is an [oil painting]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
It depicts a family of three people, staring out from the portrait. A tall handsome man wearing a simple crown of gold, a beautiful woman with an ornate circlet on her head, and a young boy standing between them. Each of them are wearing fine silks of red and gold
To the left of the chamber is a circular [[staircase->Stairs]], heading upwards higher into the castle](set: $sword to 1)
You decide to leave the blade on its pedestal.
You look above the throne, hanging off the wall, there is an [oil painting]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
It depicts a family of three people, staring out from the portrait. A tall handsome man wearing a simple crown of gold, a beautiful woman with an ornate circlet on her head, and a young boy standing between them. Each of them are wearing fine silks of red and gold
To the left of the chamber is a circular [[staircase->Stairs]], heading upwards higher into the castle]You take the stairs higher into the castle, exiting into a long [[hallway->Hallway]] with 2 doors on each side. You hear the echoing laugh of a child coming from one of the rooms.(if: $Elhokin is 0)[You grab the side of the boat, pulling it into the shallow water of the lake edge before jumping in and grabbing the [paddles.]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You heave against the water of the lake, sending water splashing as you row. Slowly drawing the boat closer and closer to the center of the lake, where the light [shines.]<cl2|
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/48f908_e6f6d25ef4a6474ebb47530811aea84c.mp3" autoplay>]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You reach the center of the lake, the light shining around the edges of your boat, wisps of smoke seem to be coming up around you. You look over the edge of the boat, down to the water [below.]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
The light finally meets your eyes directly, surrounding your vision and momentarily blinding you. After a moment your eyes adjust and you see it fully. The light dances beneath the water like ribbons in the wind, beneath it all is a great circle of light, flickering as though it were made of flames. Around the light you see two shapes rising towards the [surface.]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
They draw nearer and you can finally make out their form, a man and a woman, ethereal and transparent. You try to pull back into the boat, but they shoot forward and you feel a force grip your collar and pull you down into the water. The spirits are holding you, dragging you further down. You can feel their emotions overwhelm you, dissapointment first, then a great anger washes over you. You try to free yourself from their grasp, fear beginning to overwhelm you as your breath begins to fail, but their grip is too strong. You're pulled further down, towards the circle of light, your form begins to shift and you see that your body is becoming transparent. The spirits throw you down into the light, your last view of them looking down at you, as they remain behind. The light envelopes you before you can see no more, only left to wonder what had [[happened.->The End]]]]
(if: $Elhokin is 1 or 2)[You grab the side of the row boat, pulling it into the shallow water of the lake edge. You gesture Elhokin inside before jumping in yourself and grabbing the [paddles]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You heave against the water of the lake, sending water splashing as you row. Slowly drawing the boat closer and closer to the center of the lake, where the light shines. Elhokin eagerly goes to the stern and watches as it draws [nearer]<cl2|
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/48f908_e6f6d25ef4a6474ebb47530811aea84c.mp3" autoplay>]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You reach the center of the lake, the light shining around the edges of your boat, wisps of smoke seem to be coming up around you. Elhokin eagerly looks over the side of the boat, you step up to join him, staring over the edge, looking down to the water [below]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
The light finally meets your eyes directly, surrounding your vision and momentarily blinding you. After a moment your eyes adjust and you see it fully. The light dances beneath the water like ribbons in the wind, beneath it all is a great circle of light, flickering as though it were made of flames. Around the light you see two shapes rising towards the [surface.]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
They draw nearer and you can finally make out their form, a man and a woman, ethereal and transparent. They are moving quickly towards you, until Elhokin cries out, "Mom, Dad!" The forms slow and rise towards the surface tentatively, coming to a stop just short of the waters surface.
[["Elhokin?"->Reunion]] the man says.]]"Who are you?" the boy [asks shakily.]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
"I'm $name", you say kneeling down, [making yourself small.]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
"That's a nice name", he says, [looking up at you.]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
["What's your name? Why are you hiding there?"]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
The boy raises his head proudly to you puffing his chest slightly, "My name is Elhokin, son of Caius of the Phate family," he says before sinking into himself again. "My father used to sit here for hours working, I liked to play by him, whenever I got scared or lonely I would sit with him. Sometimes he'd get annoyed though, say I needed to be brave."
["Where are your parents?"]<cl5|]
(click-append: ?cl5)[
"They left, I've been alone here for a long time. I don't think they really wanted me, that's why they left me," the boys lip trembled and tears collected at the corners of eyes.
[["I'm sure they love you dearly, how about we go find them?"->Take him with you]]
[["It's ok, you're not alone anymore, do you want to come with me?"->Take him with you 1]]](if: $Elhokin is 0)[You go to the first door to the right, looking in through the open doorway. You see what appears to have been a [child's room]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
There is a single twin bed sitting at the back of the chamber, broken and the sheets torn. Though it seems like somebody tried to make it afterwards. There is an open wooden chest its top broken off the hinges and its contents scattered about, [toys]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You walk up to the chest and kneel down to pick up an old wooden knight that sits on the ground. [Examine]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
Its joints are hinged, allowing it to be moved about freely. It was once brightly painted, though it seems to have worn off from a great deal of use. Whoever had this toy must have used it often. You set it back down again. There doesn't seem to be anything else of interest.
[[Go back outside->Hallway]]]]
(if: $Elhokin is 1 or 2)[You go to the first door to the right, looking in through the open doorway. You see what appears to have been a [child's room]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
There is a single twin bed sitting at the back of the chamber, broken and the sheets torn. Though it seems like somebody tried to make it afterwards. There is an open wooden chest its top broken off the hinges and its contents scattered about, toys.
Elhokin walks up beside you and looks inside, "this used to be my room," he says, "I remember spending hours in here, playing with my toys, or just looking outside as the clouds pass." he says, walking up to the chest and leaning down to pick up an old wooden knight. Its joints hinged and the paint faded from constant use. "This used to be my favorite, I liked to imagine myself as some great hero, like my father. But I haven't really felt like playing for a while." He puts it back down and looks around the room again.
"I remember that sometimes my mom would come in here and read to me. When she had the time, and if I'd been good."
["What's her name?]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
"Kalina," he says smiling slightly."
[[Go back outside->Hallway 1]]]](if: $Elhokin is 0)[You look into the first room on the left. The ceiling seems to have collapsed, a pile of rubble fills the room, blocking any entrance.
[[Go back to the hallway->Hallway]]]
(if: $Elhokin is 1 or 2)[You look into the first room on the left. The ceiling seems to have collapsed, a pile of rubble fills the room, blocking any entrance.
"I think this used to be a guest room," Elhokin says, "I'm not sure though, we didn't have a lot of visitors when we were here."
["Where you here often?"]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
"Whenever father needed a break, this was his retreat, whenever the capitol got too much for him to handle, and he needed to unwind, He'd bring us here. He wouldn't allow anyone to disturb him here unless it was an emergency. I liked it when he brought us here, the lake was always so pretty."
[[Go back outside->Hallway 1]]]](if: $Elhokin is 0)[You examine the second door to the right, looking inside to a large room, filled with many broken pieces of furniture. The remains of a large bed that is now torn to pieces and scattered about the room. Much of the room seems to have been [burned by whoever did this]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You wander into the room, poking through the ashes and rubble, until you see a piece of [reflective material shining through]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You lean down and pick it up, a piece of glass. You brush the ash away and find more pieces, whatever used to be here must have had a [large mirror]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You turn to examine the rest of the room, but whoever did this didn't leave much else
[[Go back outside->Hallway]]]]
(if: $Elhokin is 1 or 2)[You examine the second door to the right, looking inside to a large room, filled with many broken pieces of furniture. The remains of a large bed that is now torn to pieces and scattered about the room. Much of the room seems to have been [burned by whoever did this]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
"This used to be my parent's room," Elhokin says from behind you. "Father didn't like me to intrude too much, but my mom would let me in when he wasn't [looking."]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You step into the room Elhokin following behind you after a moment of hesitation. Brushing away ash until you discover a shard of a mirror, with several others scattered about. Whatever furniture was here must have had a large mirror. "This used to be my mom's dresser," Elhokin says, "she'd sit there making sure everything was set just right. If I was here she would sing to me, or tell me a story while [she got ready]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You turn to face the rest of the room, but whoever did this didn't leave much else.
"They really wrecked this place," Elhokin says sadly, "I wish they didn't touch my mom's things. She was always nice, never did anything wrong to anybody." He turns to face you, "can we please [[head back outside->Hallway 1]], I don't want to be in here anymore"]]You look into the last room on the left, it appears to lead into a study.
You step into the room and notice a staleness to the air, and a chill washes over your [body]<cl1|.
(click-append: ?cl1)[
Within the room there are scattered pieces of broken furniture, a shelf, broken and knocked over, its contents strewn about the room. To the left of the room there is an open wooden [[chest->Chest]], its top torn off and laying on the ground beside it. At the back there is an alcove with a window, beneath the window there is a large wooden [[desk->Desk]] with several pieces of paper layed out on its surface.] [[Examine first door on right->First right door]]
[[Examine first door on left->First left door]]
[[Examine second door on right->Second right door]]
[[Examine second door on left->Second left door]]You walk to the desk, its drawers pulled out and broken, though a few sheets of [paper still remain]<cl1|.
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You shift through the pieces of paper, most of them break apart in your hands, becoming illegible. One remains intact, the [words still visible to you]<cl2|.]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
"To the self proclaimed Emperor Caius Phate,
Your ceaseless expansion has not gone without notice, your so called empire is not welcome here. We claimed these lands for outselves and we will live free no matter what. These wilds are ours. Ours to live. And ours to hunt. If you come to our lands then perhaps we will hunt you as well. I wonder if your family would provide us a challenge, or if they would be meager prey. If you wish to find out, then by all means try to take what is ours.
-[[Drovolan, chief of the Free Prowlers->Continue]]]You approach the chest and gaze into it, most of the contents appear to be missing or broken. [Examine]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You shift through the items within the chest, moving them aside until you feel a variation to the bottom. A [switch]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You hit the switch and the bottom comes free. You pull it aside and look beneath. At the bottom of the chest is a single item. An old war horn, resting on its side.
[[Blow in it find, out what it does->Blow in it]]
[[Leave it be, don't know what may hear it->Leave it be]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/48f908_4f72fc0d98e84cd692e501648c429a06.mp3" autoplay>]You decide to trust your gut and turn away from strange light coming from the lake, returning to the path back up.
You take the road to the castle, drawing nearer and discovering the shattered wooden remains of a gate broken inwards. The walls are abandoned and various items are left strewn about, though there are no bodies or any other sign of life within the walls of the castle.
The entrance to the keep stands open and unattended before you.
(click-replace: ?cl1)[You enter through the open door, coming upon a long entryway. A layer of dust remains undistrubed on the floor, its clear no one has been here for some time. The corners and the ceiling of the hallway are covered with a thick layer of cobwebs. Your steps echo throughout the chamber as you walk along the stone floor, kicking up a cloud of dust with each step. The strong scent of recently burning oil hangs heavy in the air, despite every light remaining unlit and [[broken->Throne room]].](set: $horn to 1)
You take the horn and raise it to your lips, taking a deep breath before blowing into it. A deep call resonates through the chamber, echoing through the halls and the rest of the castle, continuing until it can be heard throughout the [valley]<cl1|
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/48f908_9b2c1aa2659f4d72bf8f1143d5d15a68.mp3" autoplay>
(if: $Elhokin is 0)[
(click-append: ?cl1)[
A moment passes as you wait, your anxiety rising as you await any sort of [response]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
Until the silence if broken and you hear a loud howl echo from the valley, it stops after a moment and you are once again left in [the quite]<cl3|
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/48f908_419a46ee87314afcb125f7b0de0390a4.mp3" autoplay>]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
A chill runs down as you hear the sound and wait for any other noise, but no sound comes again, and you eventually turn back to the rest of the [room]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
You look to the rest of the room, and your gaze goes to the still untouched [[desk->Desk]].]]
(if: $Elhokin is 1 or 2)[
(click-append: ?cl1)[
what are you doing? cries Elhokin, "they could hear you." A moment passes as the two of you wait, your anxiety rising as you await for some kind of [response]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
Until a loud howl echos from the valley, reverberating through the stone walls of the castle. The howl stops after a moment until you are once again left in [silence]<cl3|
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/48f908_419a46ee87314afcb125f7b0de0390a4.mp3" autoplay>]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You see Elhokin shudder, and a chill runs down your spine as well. The seconds pass, but no sound comes again. Elhokin looks up at you after a moment, "We should really get [[moving->Hallway 1]]."]](set: $horn to 2)
You decide it's probably not best to use the horn at this time and turn back to the rest of the [room]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
(if: $Elhokin is 0)[You look to the rest of the room, and your gaze goes to the still untouched [[desk->Desk]].]
(if: $Elhokin is 1 or 2)[Nothing left to see here, best go [[outside->Hallway 1]].]]You hold the paper in your hand, still pondering what you've just read and what it could mean. When a movement catches your attention to your [right]<cl1|.
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You turn your head and notice something quickly duck around the desk and out of your [sight]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You shift around the desk, slowly approaching the right side, until you can gaze around [it]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You look to see a young [[boy->Elhokin]], perhaps ten years old, huddled by the desk, gazing up at you with fear. Though you don't remember seeing him when you walked in](set: $Elhokin to 1)
You extend your hand down to him. After a moment Elhokin wipes his eyes and grips your hand, his touch is cold as you pull him up.
"Why don't we head [[outside?"->Hallway 1]](if: $horn is 0)[[[Examine first door on right->First right door]]
[[Examine first door on left->First left door]]
[[Examine second door on right->Second right door]]
[[Examine second door on left->Second door left 2]]
[[Go back down the stairs to the lower level->Back down]]]
(if: $horn is 1 or 2)[[[Examine first door on right->First right door]]
[[Examine first door on left->First left door]]
[[Examine second door on right->Second right door]]
[[Go back down the stairs to the lower level->Back down]]]You take the stairs down, going back to the throne room below, Elhokin following behind you. You walk towards the hallway leading back out, but Elhokin pauses in the room, before turning to walk over towards the throne. You look his way and stare at the portrait once again, recognizing Elhokin as the same child in the painting. He Stops before the throne and looking down at its seat.
(if: $sword is 2)[
"where is it?" Elhokin cries, "I know I left it here." He looks back to you, "my father's sword, where'd it go?"
[[Tell the truth->Tell the truth]]
[[Deny knowing->Deny knowing]]]
(if: $sword is 1)["This was my father's sword, he was a great warrior, a man worthy of respect," Elhokin says softly. "He built an empire from nothing, he united people who fought each other for years. I remember he let me hold it once, it was really heavy, he said that one day it would be mine. Not any more I guess"
[["What happened here?"->What happened here]]](if: $sword is 1 and $horn is 1)[You turn around, walking to the entrance way and making your way to the exit, Elhokin following closely behind you. You step outside into the still overcast sky, the sun having vanished behind the mountains, the moon now hanging overhead, casting a gentle light through the valley between the breaks in the clouds. You look back to be sure Elhokin is following and see him exiting just behind you. A movement catches your attention above the entranceway and you look up to see a pair of bright yellow eyes staring down at you from a large dark form sitting on the wall. A deep growl emits from the figure, and before you can react it leaps down toward you, tackling you into the ground. Elhokin cries out in terror, but the creature either doesn't notice the boy, or doesn't care. Their claws flash down to you, tearing at your flesh as you try desperately to [defend yourself]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
But it is no use, you have nothing to defend yourself with. You gaze up at this creature as it mauls you, seeing it as a type of man wolf, just like Elhokin said, perhaps lured here by the sound of the horn. Your breath becomes ragged, as you suddenly find it difficult to breath, you look up to the sky as your vision becomes clouded. You shut your eyes, hearing once last howl from this creature, before [[darkness->The End]] takes you.]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $horn is 1)[You follow Elhokin as he quickly marches through the entranceway, heading outside. He passes through the open door that leads into the courtyard, you following close behind. You step out into the open air, keeping your eyes on Elhokin until you hear a deep growl come from behind. You spin around quickly to see a large dark figure leaping from above the entranceway and down towards you. They tackle you into the ground and begin ferociously clawing at you as you desperately try and [defend yourself]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You reach behind you and pull out the broken blade, and with a cry stab it upwards, sinking it into the chest of the creature. With a final gasp of breath the creature collapses and you shove it off of yourself before standing up, your breathing rapid and your hands shaking from the sudden rush of [[adrenaline->Aftermath]]]]
(if: $sword is 1 and $horn is 0 or 2)[You turn around, walking to the entrance way and making your way to the exit, Elhokin following closely behind you. You step outside into the still overcast sky, the sun having vanished behind the mountains, the moon now hanging overhead, casting a gentle light through the valley between the breaks in the clouds. You look back to be sure Elhokin is following and see him exiting just behind you, he pauses then and looks back at the castle.
["What is it?"]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
"I'm just not sure if I should feel glad or sad that I'm leaving here"
[["You should be glad"->Glad]]
[["You should be a little sad"->Sad]]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $horn is 0 or 2 and $lie is 2)[You follow Elhokin as he quickly marches through the entranceway, heading outside. He passes through the open door that leads into the courtyard, you following close behind. You step out into the open air, keeping your eyes on Elhokin as he steps with a fury.
[["It was just sitting there"->Sitting there]]
[["I'm sorry ok."->Sorry]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $horn is 0 or 2 and $lie is 1)[You follow Elhokin as he quickly marches through the entranceway, heading outside. He passes through the open door that leads into the courtyard, you following close behind. You step out into the open air, keeping your eyes on Elhokin as he steps with a fury.
[["It'll be okay kid"->It'll be ok]]
[["Get over it"->Get over it]]](set: $Elhokin to 2)
You extend your hand down to him. After a moment Elhokin wipes his eyes and grips your hand, his touch is cold as you pull him up.
"Why don't we head [[outside?"->Hallway 1]]You turn back to the study once again, noticing the now empty desk where you met Elhokin. Your gaze taking in the rest of the room, and the still unexplored [chest]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You approach the chest and gaze into it, most of the contents appear to be missing or broken. [Examine]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You shift through the items within the chest, moving them aside until you feel a variation to the bottom. A [switch]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You hit the switch and the bottom comes free. You pull it aside and look beneath. At the bottom of the chest is a single item. An old war horn, resting on its side.
Elhokin looks over your shoulder into the chest, "that must have been my fathers. He would use it in battles to sound an attack."
[[Blow in it find, out what it does->Blow in it]]
[[Leave it be, don't know what may hear it->Leave it be]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/48f908_4f72fc0d98e84cd692e501648c429a06.mp3" autoplay>](set: $lie to 2)
"Why would you do that? It doesn't belong to you, I thought I could trust you," he exclaims looking back to the throne. A moment passes before he quickly turns around and marches towards the exit. "It doesn't matter anymore, keep it if you want, lets just go."
[[Head outside->Outside]](set: $lie to 1)
"curse whoever took it, it doesn't belong to them," Elhokin screams sitting down. He sits and his shoulders begin shaking as he fights back sobs. You step forward to comfort the boy, but before you can reach him he stands back up. "It doesn't matter anymore," he says, "nothing does, lets just go" He spins around and marches quickly towards the exit.
[[Head outside->Outside]]Elhokin looks back up at you, before gazing back down at the throne. "They came at night, I think they must have been mad at father, they kept saying he had his chance. Father fought, he kept fighting until his sword broke and he stood alone, but he never gave up."
["Who were they."]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
"Monsters I think, they looked like men turned wolf. But they wore armor, wielded weapons, and they could talk. They weren't very nice."
You step forward and place a hand on his shoulder, "come on kid, lets head [[outside->Outside]]."](if: $sword is 2 and $horn is 1 and $lie is 2)[After taking a moment to collect yourself and calm down, you turn to see Elhokin regarding you with a look of fear and relief, "I guess it's a good thing you took the sword," he says.
"Yeah, I guess so," you say, still catching your breath. "C'mon, lets [get out of [here]<cl1|]
(click-append: ?cl1)[
The two of you exit out of the broken gate, Elhokin huddling near you. You come to the crossroads overlooking the lake and the hill where you came from. Elhokin stops at the crossroads, turning to look towards the lake. "I think that's where my parents went, when they left me."
[["Let's go find them."->Go to the lake]]
[["Come on, you can come back with me."]->Go to arch]]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $horn is 1 and $lie is 1)[After taking a moment to collect yourself and calm down, you turn to see Elhokin regarding you with a look of pain and anger, "you said you didn't know," he cries, "you [lied!"]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You open your mouth to say something as a wave of guilt pulses through you, but Elhokin turns around and runs back into the castle
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You follow after him, calling his name, but he doesn't stop. He dashes up the stairs, vanishing past your sight. You follow, searching every room upstairs, but Elhokin seems to have [vanished]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
Eventually you are forced to give up after searching for some time and finding nothing. You return back outside, passing by the corpse of the creature you killed, and walking out the broken gate to the [road]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
You take the road back up to the hill you came from, ignoring the castle and the lake behind you as you trudge upwards. Eventually coming up to the gate that you passed through, the air still has a purple shimmer to it, but it seems duller than before. After a moment's pause you step through, and after another flash of light, discover yourself once again in the Alaska [forest]<cl5|
(click-append: ?cl5)[
You take the path back to your home, pausing once to look back, but the arch is no longer there. You return home, your families greatings not enough to lighten your mood. You display the blade above your mantle, looking at it from time to time and wondering [[what happened to the boy->The End]]]]]
(if: $sword is 1 and $horn is 0 or 2)[The two of you walk in silence for a while, taking the road through the broken gat and coming to the crossroads overlooking the lake and the hill. Elhokin stops at the crossroads, turning to look out to the lake. "I think that's where my parents went, when they left me."
[["Let's go find them."->Go to the lake]]
[["Come on, you can come back with me."->Go to arch]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $horn is 0 or 2)[The two of you walk in silence for a while, taking the road through the broken gat and coming to the crossroads overlooking the lake and the hill. Elhokin stops at the crossroads, turning to look out to the lake. "I think that's where my parents went, when they left me."
[["Let's go find them."->Go to the lake]]
[["Come on, you can come back with me."->Go to arch]]]"I guess you're right," he says, "there are a lot of painful memories here now. I'm not sure I could ever be here again without thinking of something sad, though father would say that I would have to move past that. I don't think I could though, I was never quite like him."
[["Come on, let's keep going."->Aftermath]]"Maybe you're right," he says, "There were a lot of good memories here before. Memories that would never fail to make me smile, though father would say I need to be more stern. A leader must be seen as greater than a normal man, he would say. I don't think I could have done that."
[["Come on, let's keep going."->Aftermath]]He spins to face you, "and obviously it was just sitting there for no reason wasn't it?. It's clear that somebody just forgot it there and you just decided finder's keepers." He takes a moment to calm himself before regarding you again, "at least you were honest about it, better than some people"
[["Let's keep going."->Aftermath]]He turns to face you, regarding you closely before taking a deep breath and softening. "Thank you for that, it just, meant a lot to me, my own way of honoring him. But I guess its good that its serving somebody again, instead of just sitting in an empty castle."
[["Let's keep going."->Aftermath]]He spins to face you, "and why would you know? You don't know me! You don't know how much it meant to me, that some thief has just gone and taken my father's sword."
[["Let's keep going."->Aftermath]]Elhokin spins to face you with a look of disbelief and anger, "get over it? Someone stole my father's sword, the only thing I have left to remember him. And you tell me to get over it. Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. Can we just go?"
[["Let's keep going."->Aftermath]](if: $sword is 2 and $horn is 0 or 2 and $lie is 2)[Elhokin regards you silently for a moment, "no, I think I'd like to go see them."
[Lead the way]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You nod your head and take the road heading to the [[lake->Go to the lake]], a little sad that the boy doesn't have much faith in you. Elhokin follows you quitely]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $horn is 0 and 2 and $lie is 1)[Elhokin stays silent for a moment, staring out to the lake before he turns to face you. "Ok," he says, "lets go."
[Lead the way]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You nod your head and take the road heading back up the hill towards the arch, Elhokin following you quietely. You follow the path to the top of the hill, once again coming before the arch, the air still has that purple shimmer
[Enter the arch]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You grip Elhokin's hand, it cold to the touch as the two of you step forward and into the arch. There is another flash of light and after a moment of disorientation, you find yourself once again in the Alaska forest. You look beside you but do not see Elhokin
[Where'd he go]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You look all around you but see no sign of the young boy. Until you feel a comforting cool presence encompass your hand. You can no longer see him, but his spirit is still with you.
[Okay kid, lets head home]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
You take the path returning to your home, every once in a while feeling the presence of Elhokin once again. He seems nervous, as he keeps checking to make sure you still feel him. You eventually come home, your family out for the moments and make your way inside your house. Taking a moment to appreciate the familiar sight. A few hours pass, and you realize you still have the broken sword with you, you look around and see the perfect place for it on the [mantlepiece]<cl5|]
(click-append: ?cl5)[
You take the blade and put it on display, stepping back a moment to admire its sight. But you feel a deep sense of betrayal and anger, Elhokin is not pleased. He knows you lied to him and stole the blade. And you wonder [[what life is gonna be like now with an angry spirit in your house->The End]]]]
(if: $sword is 1 and $horn is 0 or 2)[Elhokin stays silent for a moment, staring out to the lake before he turns to face you. "Ok," he says, "lets go."
[Lead the way]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You nod your head and take the road heading back up the hill towards the arch, Elhokin following you quietely. You follow the path to the top of the hill, once again coming before the arch, the air still has that purple shimmer
[Enter the arch]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You grip Elhokin's hand, it cold to the touch as the two of you step forward and into the arch. There is another flash of light and after a moment of disorientation, you find yourself once again in the Alaska forest. You look beside you but do not see Elhokin
[Where'd he go]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You look all around you but see no sign of the young boy. Until you feel a comforting cool presence around your leg, and you know that his spirit is there with you. Thanking you for being there for him.
[Okay kid, lets head home]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
You take the path back to your home, constantly feeling the presence of Elhokin as he refuses to stray far from you. You eventually arrive back at your home, your family seemingly out for the moment. You step inside and take a moment to appreciate the familiar sight, sitting down on your favorite chair.
[Welcome to your new home kid]<cl5|]
(click-append: ?cl5)[
You feel his presence around your torso and know that he is hugging you. A sense of gratitude and happiness washes over you and you know that he is content. You wonder what life will be [[like now, having a friendly spirit living in your home->The End]]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $horn is 1 and $lie is 2)[Elhokin regards you silently for a moment, "no, I think I'd like to go see them."
[Lead the way]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You nod your head and take the road heading to the [[lake->Go to the lake]], understanding that the boy would rather see his parents, then go home with a stranger. Elhokin follows you quitely]](if: $Elhokin is 1)["It's me," he cries, "I'm here."
"My beloved son," the woman says, "it is such a relief to see you. We've been waiting for you, we didn't know what happened, where you [went."]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
Elhokin pulls back slightly from the edge, "did you not want me? Is that why you [left?"]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
"My son!" the man cries, "we have always loved you my dear boy. When we fell, the lake called to us, beckoning us to pass to the otherside. We followed the others, but when we arrived we couldn't find you, we waited as the others passed through, but you never came. We refused to leave here without you, but we couldn't leave the lake, we had come to near to the entrance, it didn't want us to leave. But its call didn't matter, we would never pass until we found you."
Elhokin drops his head, looking down at the bottom of the boat. " But I'm not like you father. [I never was"]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
"No my son, you are so much greater." the man says. Elhokin looks up slightly, "I am so sorry I never saw that before, you have the strength of a leader Elhokin, but the heart of your mother. I saw that as weakness, something that people would exploit, but you had the right of it my son. You always did. You would have been a much greater emperor than me, you would have [led our people to greatness]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
Elhokin looks to his father, his eyes watering, and his voice breaking, "can we [[go home now?->Home]] I think I'm ready"]]
(if: $Elhokin is 2)["It's me," he cries, "I'm here."
"My beloved son," the woman says, "it is such a relief to see you. We've been waiting for you, we didn't know what happened, where you [went."]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
Elhokin pulls back slightly from the edge, "You left me alone, I was by myself for so long. Why did you [leave?"]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
"My son!" the man cries, "When we fell, the lake called to us, beckoning us to pass to the otherside. We followed the others, but when we arrived we couldn't find you, we waited as the others passed through, but you never came. We refused to leave here without you, but we couldn't leave the lake, we had come to near to the entrance, it didn't want us to leave. But its call didn't matter, we would never pass until we found you."
Elhokin drops his head, looking down at the bottom of the boat. "I was scared for a long time father. I know you always said that fear is for [cowards"]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
"My son," the man says, "I have contemplated my great many failures while we've waited. But my greatest was misguiding you my son." Elhokin looks up slightly, "I am so sorry I did those things, you were never a coward, you were never weak. You have the strength of a leader Elhokin, but the heart of your mother. I always saw that as a weakness, something that people would exploit, but you had the right of it son. You always did. You would have been a much greater emperor than me, you would have [led our people to greatness]<cl4|]<cl4|
(click-append: ?cl4)[
Elhokin looks to his father, his eyes watering, and his voice breaking, "can we [[go home now?->Home]] I think I'm ready."]](if: $sword is 1 and $Elhokin is 1)["Of course my dear son," the woman says, "let's go home."
Elhokin stands up and peers over the edge into the water. He pauses at the edge, and turns to face you.
[What is it?]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
He rushes into you, wrapping his arms tightly around your body in an embrace. His body is cool, but comforting, you raise your arms and hug him back. The two of you waiting for a moment, "thank you for everything," he says, releasing you and stepping back. "I'm gonna miss you $name."
[It's alright kid, its time for you to go home]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
Elhokin smiles brightly at you before leaping off the side of the boat and into the water. He leaves no splash as he dives in, swimming down to join his [parents]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
They rush forward to meet him and they collide midway in an embrace, holding each other tightly. You hear laughter and tears as they stay there. Minutes pass as they simply hold each other close, Elhokin's form becoming transparent and ethereal like theirs.
Finally, they pull back, but continue to hold hands, refusing to let go of each other. The man and woman look up at you and incline their heads in gratitude. Before the three of them begin sinking downwards towards the light below. Just before they enter, Elhokin looks back up at you one last time and waves his [hand]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
There is a bright flash of light, and you are forced to cover your eyes. It recedes and you look down again, but Elhokin and his parents are gone. And there is no light in the lake anymore
[[Time to go home->Journey]]]]
(if: $sword is 1 and $Elhokin is 2)["Of course my son," the woman says, "let's go home."
Elhokin stands up and peers over the edge into the water. He pauses at the edge, and turns to face you.
[What is it?]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
He rushes into you, wrapping his arms tightly around your body in an embrace. His body is cool, but comforting, you raise your arms and hug him back. The two of you waiting for a moment, "thank you for being there for me $name," he says, releasing you and stepping back. "It was nice to not be alone anymore."
[It's alright kid, its time for you to go home]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
Elhokin smiles brightly at you before leaping off the side of the boat and into the water. He leaves no splash as he dives in, swimming down to join his [parents]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
They rush forward to meet him and they collide midway in an embrace, holding each other tightly. You hear laughter and tears as they stay there. Seconds pass as they simply hold each other close, Elhokin's form becoming transparent and ethereal like theirs.
Finally, they pull back, and the man and woman look up at you and incline their heads in gratitude. Before the three of them begin sinking downwards towards the light below. Just before they enter, Elhokin looks back up at you one last time and raises his hand in [parting]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
There is a bright flash of light, and you are forced to cover your eyes. It recedes and you look down again, but Elhokin and his parents are gone. And there is no light in the lake anymore
[[Time to go home->Journey]]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $Elhokin is 1 and $lie is 1)["Of course my dear son," the woman says, "let's go home."
Elhokin stands up and peers over the edge into the water. He pauses at the edge, and turns to face you.
[What is it?]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
He walks up to you and raises his hand, you grasp his in return and he shakes it tightly. "Thank you for bringing me here, it was nice to meet you $name"
[It was good to meet you too kid, time for you to go home]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
Elhokin smiles brightly at you before leaping off the side of the boat and into the water. He leaves no splash as he dives in, swimming down to join his [parents]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
They rush forward to meet him and they collide midway in an embrace, holding each other tightly. You hear laughter and tears as they stay there. Minutes pass as they simply hold each other close, Elhokin's form becoming transparent and ethereal like theirs.
Finally, they pull back, but continue to hold hands, refusing to let go of each other. The man and woman look up at you and incline their heads in gratitude. Before the three of them begin sinking downwards towards the light below. Just before they enter, Elhokin looks back up at you one last time and nods his [head]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
There is a bright flash of light, and you are forced to cover your eyes. It recedes and you look down again, but Elhokin and his parents are gone. And there is no light in the lake anymore
[[Time to go home->Journey]]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $Elhokin is 1 and $lie is 2)["Of course my dear son," the woman says, "let's go home."
Elhokin stands up and peers over the edge into the water. He pauses at the edge, and turns to face you.
[What is it?]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
He walks up to you and raises his hand, you grasp his in return and he shakes it tightly. "Thank you for bringing me here, it was nice to meet you $name. I'm sorry I got angry at you, you're a good person."
[It's all good kid, time for you to go home]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
Elhokin smiles brightly at you before leaping off the side of the boat and into the water. He leaves no splash as he dives in, swimming down to join his [parents]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
They rush forward to meet him and they collide midway in an embrace, holding each other tightly. You hear laughter and tears as they stay there. Minutes pass as they simply hold each other close, Elhokin's form becoming transparent and ethereal like theirs.
Finally, they pull back, but continue to hold hands, refusing to let go of each other. The man and woman look up at you and incline their heads in gratitude. Before the three of them begin sinking downwards towards the light below. Just before they enter, Elhokin looks back up at you one last time and raises his hand in [parting]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
There is a bright flash of light, and you are forced to cover your eyes. It recedes and you look down again, but Elhokin and his parents are gone. And there is no light in the lake anymore
[[Time to go home->Journey]]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $Elhokin is 2 and $lie is 1)["Of course my son," the woman says, "let's go home."
Elhokin stands up and peers over the edge into the water. He pauses at the edge, and turns to face you.
[What is it?]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
He walks up to you and raises his hand, you grasp his in return and he shakes it tightly. "Thank you for bringing me here, it was nice to meet you $name"
[It's alright kid, its time for you to go home]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
Elhokin smiles brightly at you before leaping off the side of the boat and into the water. He leaves no splash as he dives in, swimming down to join his [parents]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
They rush forward to meet him and they collide midway in an embrace, holding each other tightly. You hear laughter and tears as they stay there. Seconds pass as they simply hold each other close, Elhokin's form becoming transparent and ethereal like theirs.
Finally, they pull back, and the man and woman look up at you and incline their heads in gratitude. Before the three of them begin sinking downwards towards the light below. Just before they enter, Elhokin looks back up at you one last time and raises nods his [head]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
There is a bright flash of light, and you are forced to cover your eyes. It recedes and you look down again, but Elhokin and his parents are gone. And there is no light in the lake anymore
[[Time to go home->Journey]]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $Elhokin is 2 and $lie is 2)["Of course my son," the woman says, "let's go home."
Elhokin stands up and peers over the edge into the water. He pauses at the edge, and turns to face you.
[What is it?]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
He walks up to you and raises his hand, you grasp his in return and he shakes it tightly. "Thank you for bringing me here, it was nice to meet you $name. I'm sorry I got angry at you, you're a good person."
[It's alright kid, its time for you to go home]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
Elhokin smiles brightly at you before leaping off the side of the boat and into the water. He leaves no splash as he dives in, swimming down to join his [parents]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
They rush forward to meet him and they collide midway in an embrace, holding each other tightly. You hear laughter and tears as they stay there. Seconds pass as they simply hold each other close, Elhokin's form becoming transparent and ethereal like theirs.
Finally, they pull back, and the man and woman look up at you and incline their heads in gratitude. Before the three of them begin sinking downwards towards the light [below]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
There is a bright flash of light, and you are forced to cover your eyes. It recedes and you look down again, but Elhokin and his parents are gone. And there is no light in the lake anymore
[[Time to go home->Journey]]]](if: $sword is 1 and $Elhokin is 1 or 2)[You wait a moment, watching to see if they return, but as the minutes pass you sit back down and grab the paddles once [again]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You heave once more against the water and drive the boat back to the shore. Beaching it before stepping off again and taking the path back to the crossroads and the road back up the hill [towards the arch]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You pause before the arch, looking back once again at the lake and the quite castle. The clouds begin to part and you look up to a bright star filled sky. You smile slightly before turning back to face the arch again, the air surrounding it still filled with a purple shimmer.
[Time to go home]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You step through the gate, another flash of light blinding you momentarily, before you regain awareness. Finding yourself once again in the Alaska forest. You take the path back towards your home, pausing once to look back, only to find the arch now [gone]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
You turn back and continue on the journey home. Time passes, and you finally find yourself back to your house, a fire already started and smoke rising from the chimney. Your family comes out to greet you and welcome you back from your walk asking you [[how it was->The End]]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $Elhokin is 1 or 2 and $lie is 1)[You wait a moment, watching to see if they return, but as the minutes pass you sit back down and grab the paddles once [again]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You heave once more against the water and drive the boat back to the shore. Beaching it before stepping off again and taking the path back to the crossroads and the road back up the hill [towards the arch]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You pause before the arch, looking back once again at the lake and the quite castle. The valley, somehow feels emptier than it did before. You frown slightly before turning back to face the arch again, the air surrounding it still filled with a purple shimmer though it seems to have faded slightly.
[Time to go home]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You step through the gate, another flash of light blinding you momentarily, before you regain awareness. Finding yourself once again in the Alaska forest. You take the path back towards your home, pausing once to look back, only to find the arch now [gone]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
You reach for the blade you took, feeling it still tucked into your pants. And reassuring yourself that everything did happen. You turn back and continue on the journey home. Time passes, and you finally find yourself back to your house, a fire already started and smoke rising from the chimney. Your family comes out to greet you and welcome you back from your walk asking you [[how it was->The End]]]]
(if: $sword is 2 and $Elhokin is 1 or 2 and $lie is 2)[You wait a moment, watching to see if they return, but as the minutes pass you sit back down and grab the paddles once [again]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You heave once more against the water and drive the boat back to the shore. Beaching it before stepping off again and taking the path back to the crossroads and the road back up the hill [towards the arch]<cl2|]
(click-append: ?cl2)[
You pause before the arch, looking back once again at the lake and the quite castle. The valley, somehow feels emptier than it did before. But that is probably for the best, a family is finally reunited and they were able to leave. You smile slightly before turning back to face the arch again, the air surrounding it still filled with a purple shimmer though it seems to have faded ever so slightly.
[Time to go home]<cl3|]
(click-append: ?cl3)[
You step through the gate, another flash of light blinding you momentarily, before you regain awareness. Finding yourself once again in the Alaska forest. You take the path back towards your home, pausing once to look back, only to find the arch now [gone]<cl4|]
(click-append: ?cl4)[
You reach for the blade you took, feeling it still tucked into your pants. And reassuring yourself that everything did happen. You turn back and continue on the journey home. Time passes, and you finally find yourself back to your house, a fire already started and smoke rising from the chimney. Your family comes out to greet you and welcome you back from your walk asking you [[how it was->The End]]]]You stand atop of a tall hill sitting in the valley of a mountain. The sun lies hidden behind a thick layer of grey clouds and a gentle mist obscures the peaks of the mountains surrounding you. Down the hill there is a small castle at the bottom of the valley, which sits by the edge of a great lake.
Before you there is a road, old and unattended, leading down the hill and towards the [two sites
<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/bAmiIII.jpg">]<cl1|
(click-append: ?cl1)[
You follow the road down the hill, avoiding bumps and leaping over holes that interupt your path. Until you draw closer to the castle and the lake beside it, where the road forks, one path going to the gate of the castle, the other towards the coast of the lake
[[Go to the castle->Go to the castle]]
[[Go to the lake->Go to the lake]]]That's odd, there is no way that could be a natural formation, and what reason would anyone have to build that here.
As you draw nearer a purple shimmer to the air becomes noticable surrounding the gateway and a dull hum begins to resonate through the trees.
By its base is the remains of an old wagon wheel, but this area has never been settled before, and your home is the only one within 30 miles of this place.
<img src = https://i.imgur.com/RQmtI1K.jpg>
[[Approach the arch->Approach the arch]]
[[Turn back and go home->Turn back and go home]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/48f908_950784b8b8b142d3bbfab63a14a37432.mp3" autoplay>]